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Troubleshooting Intermittent WiFi Issues: Solving “Host Unreachable, No IP Route” Error on Android and NUC Devices

Experiencing WiFi outages or intermittent WiFi issues can be incredibly frustrating, especially when your devices like the Samsung Galaxy S21 Plus display error messages like “Host Unreachable, No IP Route defined.” This issue indicates that your device is struggling to obtain an IP address from the DHCP server, a common problem in many home networks. But fear not! There’s a straightforward solution to this problem that involves your DHCP settings.

Understanding the Problem

Before diving into the solution, it’s crucial to understand what’s happening. Devices like your Android phone rely on the DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) server, typically part of your WiFi router, to obtain IP addresses. These addresses are essential for devices to communicate on the network. When your phone displays the error “Host Unreachable, No IP Route defined,” it means the DHCP server couldn’t assign an IP address, possibly due to network congestion, glitches, or configuration issues.

The Solution: Assigning Static IP Addresses

The most reliable solution to this problem is to assign static IP addresses to the affected devices. Here’s how to do it:

Step 1: Accessing Your Router’s Settings

First, you need to log into your router’s settings. This is usually done by entering the router’s IP address in a web browser. The exact steps can vary based on your router model, so refer to the router’s manual or manufacturer’s website for detailed instructions. For OpnSense routers, you can typically access the settings via the web interface by entering the router’s IP address in your browser.

Step 2: Navigating to the DHCP Server Settings

Once logged in, navigate to the DHCP server settings. This section is often found under the “LAN” or “Network” settings. Here you’ll manage how your router assigns IP addresses to devices on your network.

Step 3: Adding Static IP Entries

Find the option to add static IP entries. In this section, you’ll enter the MAC address of your Samsung Galaxy S21 Plus and your NUC. The MAC address is a unique identifier for your device’s network interface. For Android phones, you can find it in the ‘About Phone’ section under ‘Settings.’ For the NUC, check the network settings or the device documentation.

Once you have the MAC addresses, assign a static IP address to each device. Ensure these IP addresses are outside the range of IP addresses your DHCP server automatically assigns to avoid conflicts.

Step 4: Save and Restart

After assigning the static IPs, save your settings and restart your router. This ensures the new settings take effect. You might also want to restart your affected devices.

Post-Solution Checks

Once your network is back up, check if your Samsung Galaxy S21 Plus can connect without the “Host Unreachable, No IP Route” error. With static IP addresses, they should bypass the usual DHCP process, eliminating the issue.


Intermittent WiFi issues and WiFi outages can be a significant hindrance in our connected world, but with a bit of know-how, they can often be resolved quickly. By assigning static IP addresses to your devices, you can ensure a more stable connection and avoid common DHCP-related problems. Remember, each home network is unique, so while this solution works for many, it might not be the universal fix for all WiFi issues. If problems persist, consider consulting with a network professional or your ISP. Stay connected and hassle-free!

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