TV Unit with automated LED strip and Google Home
TV Unit with automated LED strip and Google Home

Have you wondered how to get started with home automation? Are the options too overwhelming and you are not sure where to begin?

Over the years I have learned a lot about what it takes to create a functioning budget smart home that is actually useful and not just a gimmick!

Too often I see people add technology to their home without ways to make it blend in to the environment and make it easy to use.

Tired of controlling devices using 10 different smart home apps on your phone? Tired of light bulbs with internet connection that collect information and send this data to the cloud? Tired of slow and flaky smart home products?

What is home automation about?

I want to show you how to create a smart home on the cheap without compromising on functionality. To me, home automation is all about:

  • Focus on convenience: Let’s not get swept away by technology that adds more trouble than its worth. Any family member should be able to operate your smart home. The last thing you want is people sitting in the dark because they can’t figure out how to turn on lights.
  • Tight integration and ease of control: A single, clean interface to control your home. The idea here is not to replace our existing ways of controlling things (like wall switches). These should continue work as expected.
  • Eliminate mundane tasks: Automation can take care of chores such as watering of plants, vacuum cleaning, motion based security lighting.
  • Run a more economical home: Implement smart economical home features to save money on heating/cooling and water consumption. For example, we can exchange the hot air inside the house with cool evening air to cool down the house. We can automate this using sensors and controllable devices.
  • Have fun: Getting started removes the initial burden and opens open many opportunities to begin implementing your own ideas!

Course Content

The course I am currently writing covers the following major aspects:

  • How to choose devices that work together
  • Setting up a free home automation hub (that only costs a few dollars in electricity per year)
  • How to integrate all your existing devices and control via one interface
  • Collecting sensory data from your home environment
  • Building smart automations that make life easy
  • Hardware and software recommendations to take the guess work out of the equation
  • Easy to follow, step by step tutorials to guide through any technical parts.
  • 5 affordable smart home projects that will uplift your home from beginner to intermediate level!

How is my course different?

Fundamental Aspects of Home Automation: You start with monitoring the environment, then add some way to control it. Afterwards, you can begin automating.

My course aligns with the fundamentals of home automation — Monitor, Control and Automate — that help guide you through 5 different projects. These projects are designed to be standalone and each one touch on all three aspects.

This ensures that you will see the full benefit right from the moment you complete the first project.

My projects cover the following aspects:

  • Lighting
  • Multimedia
  • Security
  • Smart Energy Saving
  • Motion Detection
  • Presence Detection
  • Voice Control
  • Text-to-speech

If all this sounds interesting to you, then please take a moment and add your details to my pre-enrolment list. There is no commitment whatsoever, I will simply use this email to notify you once my course becomes available.

How much upfront cost are we talking about?

The materials required for this course can be purchased on Ebay or AliExpress for less than 200 USD. A full list of materials as well as recommended suppliers will be included in the course resources. The course is designed to be budget friendly as I have found ways to achieve the same or better outcomes using inexpensive smart devices.

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