Voron 2.4 Configuration for SKR 1.4 Controller boards

Big Tree Tech SKR v1.4 32 Bit 3D Printer Motherboard Close Up

This post is a collection of information for those getting started with their Voron 3D printer configuration on an SKR 1.4 controller boards. At the time of writing, the documentation for the SKR 1.4 was sparse which let me to collect all of my discoveries in this post

1) Hardware Changes required from 1.3 to 1.4 configuration

There exists a pinned comment on the #controller_hardware channel on the Voron Discord. It helped me make changes but it was not complete.

Jumper Locations

On SKR1.4 the location of jumpers changed slightly. The jumpers are now under the TMC drivers rather than next to it.

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Cutting TMC Driver Pins

The DIAG pin on TMC2209 drivers need to be cut off because the Voron does not use sensorless homing. The DIAG pin is normally used by the driver to detect if the stepper motor is skipping steps. Due to the fact that 2 steppers drive the XY plane simultaneously it is not possible to reliably implement sensorless homing. Sensorless homing is only suitable for cartesian printers.

The extract from Big Tree Techs SKR 1.4 Manual shows the DIAG pin on the driver board which needs to be cut off.

5V Jumper for Voltage selection

You need to change this jumper to bridge over the VDD pin if you are using an external power supply to power the board.

Klipper Configuration Changes

The linked comment shows what changes are required. In addition to these, I had to modify the uart_pin for each stepper motor. In short you need to adjust:

stepper xuart_pin: P1.10
stepper yuart_pin: P1.9
extruderuart_pin: P1.4
stepper zuart_pin: z:P1.10
stepper z1uart_pin: z:P1.9
stepper z2uart_pin: z:P1.8
stepper z3uart_pin: z:P1.4

Mini 12864 RGB LCD

The LCD does not require an SD card at all. The EXP connectors need to be inserted into the slot in reverse. This can be achieved by prying open the connector itself and reversing it or cutting/filing off the key on the connector like I did (see image on the left).

FYSETC Generic Mini 12864 RGB LCD Connectors inserted in reverse

You can adjust the default colour by changing the red, green and blue values in the config file.


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lcd_type: uc1701
cs_pin: z:P1.18
a0_pin: z:P1.19
encoder_pins: ^z:P3.25,^z:P3.26
click_pin: ^!z:P0.28
contrast: 63

[neopixel my_neopixel]
pin: z:P1.21
chain_count: 3
initial_RED: 0.9
initial_GREEN: 0.0
initial_BLUE: 0.0
color_order_GRB: False

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General SKR Troubleshooting

  • Restart the Raspberry Pi: This resolved connection problems with /tmp/printer being unavailable
  • Jumpers: Make sure the the jumper (third pin from top) is inserted
  • Ensure the DIAG pin on TMC2209 is cut off
  • Eliminate TMC driver fault: Try another TMC driver in the problematic driver slot to rule out a faulty driver
  • Eliminate SKR board fault: Assign the problematic driver (e.g. stepper_x) to a different driver slot on the board. This will eliminate a faulty driver slot. Swap around the two SKRs to rule out a faulty board.
  • Upgraded Klipper to the latest version and recompiled firmware.bin


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