Generating JavaScript API Clients from Open API specifications.

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One of the issues I encounter when building client/server applications is that model classes are often duplicated on both sides. In the past I have used feathers.js which solved this problem by providing feathers-client, a client-side counterpart to the server implementation. More recently I am looking into IBM’s Loopback framework which has built-in support for auto-generated OpenAPI specifications available on the /openapi.json endpoint. More on this later.

For the client, I started off with a create-react-app template and added the Ant.Design UI framework on top. I originally wanted to use fetch to handle all API related communication but quickly realised the amount of boilerplate I would have to write out by hand. (basically writing out an API client library by hand).

Introducing openapi-client-axios, a Javascript client generator that will take care of all that for you. All I had to do was overwrite the operationId in the Loopback server code. This is because the framework generates Ids that are not valid method names (they contain a space). This is a bit of an oversight in their implementation, but fixing it is not a big deal.

I simply added “operationId” below the responses object in each controller action and the generated openapi.json was updated accordingly.+

@get('/accounts', {
    "operationId" : "getAccounts",
    responses: {
      '200': {
        description: 'Array of Account model instances',
        content: {
          'application/json': {
            schema: {
              type: 'array',
              items: getModelSchemaRef(Account, {includeRelations: true}),
  async find(
    @param.query.object('filter', getFilterSchemaFor(Account)) filter?: Filter,
  ): Promise {
    return this.accountRepository.find(filter);

To set up OpenAPIClientAxios in my react project, I created a new file api.js with the following content:

const api = new OpenAPIClientAxios({ definition: 'http://localhost:3000/openapi.json' });

async function getAccounts() {
  const client = await api.getClient();
  const res = await client.getAccounts();
  console.log('Accounts queried: ',;

 createTodo().then(r => console.log(r))

This initialises the Client and retrieves all accounts before printing them to the console.

I am really happy with this setup because it allows me to consume the API without writing boilerplate code.

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